The 30”x40” oil painting by renowned artist Romulo Galicano. The maestro took particular features of Robert Coyiuto’s sons to create the insurance trailblazer’s image.
– Fr. Eli Manlangit, Jr., OFM
Robert Coyiuto, the young businessman in his 20’s and 30’s. The shy young man who has known in his family as the “learned one” had already come into his own as a confident and hardworking partner in the Co brothers’ family business.
– Robert Coyiuto
The first Board of Directors meeting of Prudential Guarantee and Assurance, Inc. (PGAI) in 1981, under the committed leadership and unflagging vision of Chairman Robert Coyiuto (center). PGAI then rose as one of the leading insurance companies only a few years after it was established. From left, are Board of Directors members Ethelwoldo Fernandez, Phillip K. Rico, Jovencio Cinco, Hon. B.S dela Fuente, Robert Coyiuto, Antonio Ozaeta, Ignacio Gimenez, Robert Coyiuto, Jr., and Peter Coyiuto.
– Robert Coyiuto
Drinking with friends on a spring evening at Peach Garden.
– Li Bai
An avid traveler, Robert Coyiuto always brought his Leica camera, and among the places visited were London, Paris, New York City, Mexico, and Cairo.
Photographs of Robert Coyiuto. He was a man of the world, an enterprise builder, and a champion of commerce and industry.
– Robert Coyiuto